Some times requirements occurs to send email from Windows environment. it may be due to server monitoring or application monitoring purpose or may be some other need. Lot of third-party applications in the internet and you can try those your own. But most light weight and slandered way to send email from windows environment is the VB script. Using VB Script is very easy and simple. following is the way to send a email using VB Script. this can be help to your script development and system monitoring purpose.
Dim objMail Set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 'sender email address objMail.From = "Sender <>" 'Receiver email address objMail.To = "Receiver <>" 'Email subject objMail.Subject = "This is the testing email subject" 'Email Body objMail.Textbody = "This is the my first email send by vb script" 'If you need to attache a file,can do in this way. objMail.AddAttachment "C:\myphoto.jpg" 'Configure SMTP server objMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = 2 'Here you should configure name or IP of the SMTP server objMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = _ "" ' SMTP port need to configure here (Default 25) objMail.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = 25 'update the field in message object objMail.Configuration.Fields.Update 'sending email objMail.Send 'clear mail object Set objMail=Nothing 'exit the script Wscript.Quit